Monday, June 5, 2017

Knee pain remedies

  1. Bryonia Alba. – Pain with inflammation which, is aggravated by movement and relieved by moderate pressure and rest.
  2. Ledum pal. – Excellent remedy for gout and rheumatism which is of ascending nature, better by cold application.
  3. Rhus Tox. – Pain aggravated by first movement, damp weather and better by continuous motion.
  4. Colchicum – pain worse by motion touch or mental effort, better by warmth and rest.
  5. Kalmia lot. – descending type of pain, pain with palpitation of heart and slow pulse
  6. Guaiacum. – Gouty abscesses of joints, pain relieved by cold bath and cold application.
  7. Calcaria Carb. – Arthritic swelling, knee pain especially in fleshy people which is worse by cold.
  8. Benzoic acid – gouty concretions of joints, knee pain due to abnormal deposition of uric acid
  9. Hypericum. – Remarkable remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, knee contracted, has outstanding action over nerve pain.
  10. Lachesis. – Rheumatic pain in knee along with swelling.
  11. Silicea. – knee pain as if too tightly bound

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